​​​A thorough examination is strongly recommended when purchasing a new horse or pony.
We undertake numerous 2 and 5 stage pre-purchase examinations, following EVA guidelines, for racehorse, performance and pleasure horses.
What's involved?:
Full clinical examination - listening to the heart, lungs and GI tract, checking the skin, eyes and mouth.
Conformation assessment and palpation of joints, tendons, back, pelvis
Hoof examination and testing
Examination at walk and trot (in hand) in a straight line on a hard surface
Flexion testing distal (lower) and proximal (higher) on all 4 limbs
Basic neurological assessment
Turning in a tight circle, backing
Examination on the lunge - tight circle at the trot on a hard surface and a larger diameter circle at the walk, trot and canter on a softer surface
(in addition to above)
Examination immediately after strenuous exercise: involving assessment under saddle being ridden for the manner intended by the purchaser
Examination in a period after exercise
Final examination during walking, trotting, turning and backing
What do I need?
Flat, hard and smooth area for trot up (e.g. straight driveway)
Arena or safe area to lunge horse (hard and soft surfaces advantageous)
Stable or area with reduced light to examine eyes
Flat (preferably concrete) and covered area for radiology
Between 1-3 hours of your time depending on the depth of the examination and additional tests required
Ideally both current owner and buyer to be present (though we understand this is often not possible!)
Additional tests:
Blood tests
Videoendoscopy (scoping) - assessment of airways
Radiography - views as requested
Ultrasonography - scanning of tendons
Mare reproductive assessment

It is important to understand that a pre-purchase examination is an assessment of a horse for specific purpose at a point in time. It is not a guarantee of future soundness. It is designed to ensure that the horse is suitable for the intended use and that there are no existing conditions that will hinder it performing at the level the new owner requires. We do not pass or fail horses.