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We have the latest digital technology available for field use.



Taking an x-ray is the main way to assess issues with the bone, teeth and dense tissues. We have a fully wireless digital x-ray machine that enables us to provide rapid diagnosis in the field with processing taking only seconds. We also undertake sales radiographs for thoroughbred sales and pre-purchase examinations.


We are fortunate to have close links with many veterinary specialist with whom we work closely with in complicated cases.




Ultrasound is used to assess soft tissue structures. This includes ligaments, tendons, muscles, lungs and abdominal and reproductive organs. It is a valuable doagnostic tool that we can use in the field without need for even a power supply.




Endoscopy or "scoping" is the use of a fibreoptic camera to assess internal structures, namely the nasal passages and airway but also can be used to visualise the bladder, uterus or urethra.


We have portable hand held scopes which are very quick and easy to use in most scenarios. We also have a videoscope, which allows us to capture and record images for cases needing continuous assessment or those intended for sale.​​​​​​

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X-ray of an elbow cyst

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